Prevent Cancer in Scientific Way to Protect Women's Health


March 8th is the International Women's Day, which is to celebrate the achieving gender equality and women’s well-being in all aspects of life.

Cervical cancer is one of the cancers that most often affect the women. Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes almost all cervical cancers. HPV is a very common infection that can be spread during skin-to-skin contact with infected body parts, not just during sex. Most people don't know they have HPV and clear the virus on their own. But some types of HPV don't go away and cause cancer. People of any gender or sexual orientation can get and spread HPV.

There are 2 ways to prevent cervical cancer. One is vaccination, another is screening. Girls should get vaccinated before 15 years old to get the best protection from vaccine.

Having regular screening tests can help find changes in the cervix that can be treated before they become cancer. HPV test is one option for cervical cancer screening. HPV tests look for types of HPV that can cause precancers and cancers of the cervix. Regular screening can help finding cervical cancer in early stage, when it’s small, under developing, that might be easier to treat.

Wizbiotech provides mobile HPV solution, to increase the accessibility of HPV screening test to women around the world.

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