How to prevent Helicobacter pylori?


Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is currently found to be the only bacteria that can survive in the stomach for a long time. It can be transmitted through oral, fecal and iatrogenic transmission. Its strong infect-ability leads to a saying that "one gets infected, whole family will get affected". So there is a consensus that treat a family as a unit to prevent Helicobacter pylori. So how to prevent Helicobacter pylori infection in a family?

1. Practice separate serving chopsticks

It is recommended to eat separately or use serving chopsticks and spoons to take the dishes, and do not pick and give dishes with own chopsticks to each other;

2. Pay attention to oral hygiene

Have a good oral hygiene habit, brush in the morning and evening, gargle after meals to clean oral food residues in time, reduce the formation of tartar and dental stones;

3. Don't feed mouth to mouth

Unconsciously sense the temperature of food with tongue, or eat to check the temperature and feed the child with the same spoon, these habits will transmit the H. pylori to the child.

4. Wash hands frequently

Wash your hands frequently, especially before eating and after using the toilet, to avoid the spread of H. pylori

5. Keep the dinner wares and teeth-brushing tools clean

Dinnerware should be disinfected regularly, often replace dental utensils, do not miss use the cups for brushing to cups for drinking, often boil and disinfect.

Wizbiotech has developed its own helicobacter pylori antigen test kits (latex method), test with feces samples, without fasting or any special preparation, and can be carried out at any time according to the patient's situation. It is more economical and does not rely on machine reading, can be applied as a common detection reagent for ordinary health management, helping patients to understand the status of Helicobacter pylori infection, also helping doctors to give treatment plans in time.

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