12 unexpected signs of a heart attack


High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, high blood lipids, and a family history of coronary heart disease are risk factors for myocardial infarction (MI), and these groups are more likely to be targeted for MI. But we're missing a lot of other signs of heart attack that beyond our expect.

1. Binaural process deafness.

Many patients with angina pectoris will get hearing loss, buzzing in both ears, and symptoms disappear immediately after surgery;

2. Periumbilical pain.

For the people with high risk of MI, if periumbilical pain occurs, the precursor of MI should be highly suspected.

2. Sole pain.

Although this symptom is rare, but not an individual case, many patients with heart attack say that they get pain like being needled at the sole.

3. Being unable to open the eyes.

If one suddenly lose his eye-sight, or even can not open eyes, it also needs to pay attention to his heart.

4. The left leg is sore and painful.

When one’s left leg is sore and swollen, to the high-risk groups, it is also necessary to be alert of MI.

6. One feels chest like being wrapped with tape, or feels like being tied, should be careful about the omen of heart attack.

7. Toothache.

Toothache, especially for the high-risk groups, the problem of myocardial ischemia must be considered and ruled out first, especially by coincidence the patient has the dental problem which is particularly easy to misdiagnose and miss diagnosis.

8. Dizziness.

A symptom can be seen in many diseases, it also can be a sign of heart attack. Some patients, have been suffering from dizziness for many years. nothing was found after the intracranial angiography, CT, MRI and other examinations. But after coronary interventional therapy was performed, the dizziness symptoms were quickly relieved and disappeared after the surgery.

9. Shoulder blade pain.

A female patient, suffering from slight shoulder blade pain, by the chance to have had the cardiovascular checked, and was found of the cardiovascular problems. After treatment, the pain has gone. Therefore, people of high risk and with shoulder blade pain should pay more attention, which may be a sign of heart attack.

10. Left upper limb being weak.

Left upper limb weakness is not an isolated case, many patients feel the left shoulder blade and left upper limb discomfort, sore and swollen, some lose their strength, the examination found myocardial ischemia. The symptoms disappear quickly after medication or surgery.

11. The symptoms like suddenly becoming lazy and fatigue are commonly found among the elderly. And there are no other symptoms and discomfort of MI, the only feeling is fatigue, lethargy, do not want to move, then we must be highly alert of myocardial ischemia

12. Headache.

We also need to pay attention to the high-risk groups that accompanied with headaches, which may be a sign of heart attack.

So as you have seen, for myocardial infarction, we can not only focus on whether there is heart pain, chest tightness. Bear these in mind, we can identify the early signs of a major crisis before it strikes, and take action earlier enough to avoid great loss of life and property later on.

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